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Progress at the FOTAS Community Spay & Neuter Clinic

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The Friends of the Animals Community Spay & Neuter Clinic team have been busy preparing the clinic over the past several months.

Here are a few highlights:

Equipment procurement has been a priority and thanks to the team’s industry connections, they have been able to purchase over $80,000 in surgical equipment for just $20,000. Some of the equipment is used and is in excellent condition – ready for many more productive years. The team’s connections within our
veterinary community are paying off.

The Clinic applied for an LED lighting grant through the Oregon Trust. As a result, the entire building’s ceiling lights were replaced with energy-efficient LED lighting at no cost to FOTAS. Not only does this help with the clinic’s monthly bills, but the quality of light is far superior for the working environment.

The building has been spruced up with freshly-painted walls and polished floors. It is a new clinic with all of the deferred cleaning completed. And the exterior of the building has received a facelift with the recent installation of new, colorful signage.

The Clinic team continues to recruit staff and is already increasing the number of one-day spay/neuter surgery events for FOTAS and other rescue organizations’ animals.

The Clinic team is reaching out to animal rescue non-profits in the tri-county area and building a Volume Partner program to assist these organizations with their urgent spay/neuter needs. Veterinarians in Klamath Falls, where several Northern Californian non-profits took their animals, are retiring and the need is dire in these counties, as well. It is FOTAS’ goal to support our Volume Partners throughout the tri-county area and beyond. If you are a dog and/or cat non-profit rescue organization and would like to find out more, please contact us.

We’ll be posting more updates soon so please check back!