Keep your pet inside and restrict activity for 7–10 days.
Dogs should be on a leash to go potty. It is NEVER a good idea to put your pet in the backyard unattended after a surgery.
Check the incision site at least once a day to check for signs of infection.
Check for redness, swelling, and discharge. There may be a SMALL amount of bruising, redness, or swelling as your pet heals. Call us at 541-200-2525 if you are concerned.
Prevent licking and chewing.
It is important to keep your pet from chewing or constantly licking at the incision. For dogs, we recommend an Elizabethan collar (aka e-collar or cone) to prevent them from irritating their incision site. See the e-collar info graphic below regarding e-collar care.
No bathing or swimming for two weeks.
The incision is held together with sutures that will dissolve over the next four months, but the skin is closed with surgical glue and should not get overly wet.
You will be provided with post-op instructions at checkout.